About Islam

Lessons from the history of Islam

Lessons from the history of Islam

Lessons from the history of Islam – Lecture by Ahmad AyadAlthough its roots go back further, scholars typically date the creation of Islam to the 7th century, making it the youngest of the major world religions. Islam started in Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia, during the time of the prophet Muhammad’s life. Today, the faith is spreading rapidly throughout the world...

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What is Islam?

What is Islam?

Islam is a religion followed by many people around the world. People who follow Islam are called Muslims. Islam began in the Middle East. The Language of Muslim worship is Arabic. Islam is a Semitic religion, which has over 1.7 billion adherents all over the world with every inhabited country having a muslim. Islam comes from two root words, first is istaslama (استسلاما); which means ‘to submit’ or ‘give in’, and the second...

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Who are Muslims?

Who are Muslims?

Over the centuries, Islam spread from the Middle East to different parts of the world, Including Asia and Europe. Many Muslims live in these countries. Fast Fact: The worldwide community of Muslims is called the Ummah. Muslims are people who have professed belief in Islam. As believers, they worship the One God and revere Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (pbuh), as the last messenger of God. Additionally, they also believe in all the...

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What do Muslims Believe?

What do Muslims Believe?

Muslims believe in one God (Allah SWT). They believe that Allah created the universe, the world and everything in it. Muslims only worship Allah. Muslims believe it is their duty to worship Allah because of everything he has provided. The fundamental belief of a muslim: I Believe in Allah, and in Allah’s angels, and in the Holy Books, and in Allah’s Messengers, and in the Day of Resurrection, and in destiny, That...

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Messengers From Allah

Messengers From Allah

Muslims believe that Allah sent special people called prophets, to Earth. THE KA’BAH The Ka’bah is the monument to the One God. It is a cube-shaped structure in the centre of the grand mosque in Makkah. First build by the prophet Adam [alayhis], then was build by Prophet Ibrahim [alayhis] and Isma’il [alayhis]. These prophets and their follewers belived in the One True God. However after their died, people forgot their...

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The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam

Muslims have five key duties they try to carry out.  These are called the five pillars of Islam. These five pillars are: bearing witness, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage. These religious disciplines are rooted in the teachings of the Quran and in the example of the Prophet Muhammad [saw]. The Five Pillars of Islam are very important as they are the basis of Muslim life. You enter into Islam by reciting that there is no god but Allah. In...

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