The Last Days

The Last Days

The Last Days of the Holy Prophet [saw], His Sickness and His Death Prophet Muhammad [saw] became ill after he had returned to Medina from the Farewell Pilgrimage. During these days, he visited the martyrs of Uhud and performed funeral prayers for them. One night, he went to the Jannatu al-Baqi graveyard and requested Allah to show forgiveness to them. Meanwhile, Aswad al-Ansi from the Mazhij tribe proclaimed his false prophethood in Yemen....

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Pre-Islamic Arabia

Pre-Islamic Arabia

Pre-Islamic Arabia is the Arabian Peninsula prior to the emergence of Islam in 610 CE. Some of the settled communities developed into distinctive civilizations. There common language was Arabic, There was no political unity among them. The tribe was the principle form of social and political organization. Most at this time were pastoral nomads, living a rough and demanding existence based on the rearing of camels, sheep, and goats, the tribe,...

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Regions of the Arabian peninsula before Islam

Regions of the Arabian peninsula before Islam

The Islamic tradition traces its origins to Hijaz, the northwest region of the Arabian peninsula, and specifically to the towns of Makkah and Yathrib, known as Medina (Madinat al-nabi, “the city of the prophet”) in Arabic. Arabia in the sixth century econpassed nearly the entire Arabian peninsula, as well as areas of Transjorden, southern Syria, and Mesopotamia.  Scattered throughout the peninsula were small commercial centers such...

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Prophet Muhammad: the most influential man in history

Prophet Muhammad: the most influential man in history

MUHAMMAD [saw] 570-632 From the 100, a Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in Historyby Michael H. Hart My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world’s great...

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What is Islam?

What is Islam?

Islam is a religion followed by many people around the world. People who follow Islam are called Muslims. Islam began in the Middle East. The Language of Muslim worship is Arabic. Islam is a Semitic religion, which has over 1.7 billion adherents all over the world with every inhabited country having a muslim. Islam comes from two root words, first is istaslama (استسلاما); which means ‘to submit’ or ‘give in’, and the second...

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Who are Muslims?

Who are Muslims?

Over the centuries, Islam spread from the Middle East to different parts of the world, Including Asia and Europe. Many Muslims live in these countries. Fast Fact: The worldwide community of Muslims is called the Ummah. Muslims are people who have professed belief in Islam. As believers, they worship the One God and revere Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (pbuh), as the last messenger of God. Additionally, they also believe in all the...

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